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Sunday, April 30, 2006

OMG...I never take naps during the day.....but today I was so tired....my legs even had the hebeejebees....I had to take one!

So I started my 21 day habit on Thursday. I started walking/running again. I was quite surprised that I was able to go as long as I did. So I ran Thursday and Saturday and I plan on running again tonight. I feel so good after running!

Not much to say today...kind of a crazy day of dancing and singing around the house. I have 19 days in a row of watching somebody else's kids....LET THE FUN BEGIN!!!!!!

So Tia likes me...she really really likes me! LOL....she left a comment on my blog! How freak'n cool is she! Here is the picture of her and I after my big OOPS in her class.....hilarious!!!!

Well gals...not much to say today....later dudes!

7:25 PM


Friday, April 28, 2006

Before I forget....any of you gals with Type Pad, for some reason I can't leave comments, it times out on me with an error...so I am reading them, honestly!!!!!....ok...back to the program...

*** EDITED***


This layout that I did of the boys using Kate T's papers from A2Z was added on April 16th to their gallery- Thanx Heather!!!!!!! I meet her in Vegas at CHA...one of the sweetest girls!!!!

I am so glad it is friday!!!!! What a long day yesterday was....I actually hate Thursdays...so many little girls in my house....all they do is complain and whine and tattle on each other....just give me a house full of boys again!!!! I love them all dearly....but us females can be extremely whinny and needy....case in point!!!!

What is with me and travelling and always being bloated????? Man ...I didn't think it was as bad this time...but when I saw pics....holy crap.....can you say prego or disformed!!!! It took til last night for it to go away. I wonder if it has something to do with just having my period before. When I went to Vegas, the same thing happened and it was right after the dreaded evil friend passed thru my no-mans land. I literally lost 2 pounds! Ok...save the cheerio joke for later Elsa and Michelle!!!! LOL!

I haven't done a friday song in awhile.....I am to tired to do one this week.....I promise I will delight you with one next week...I will even make it more off key if that is possible...lol!

So last night as I was sleeping I woke up to slapping Paul's hand going down the top of my tank top! What are you doing? After slapping it it a few times ...he just left it there. So this morning I asked him about it...he responded....." No I didn't, I must of been tired".....love ya too babe! He has such a romantic way with words!

ROOM 128

So too my roomies Christa and Robyn ( who was also my Secret Sister), you guys were so much fun to hang out with! So glad we did the roomie thing. Christa had her bottle of wine and beer stocked up...I should have taken you up on that! She was so kind to drive me to the airport.....THANX SO MUCH again! Sunday morning Christa decided she had to get rid of her bug problem....she put bug spray ( why did you have bug spray there anyway?) in her hair instead of hair product....lol! You smelled so pretty....and not a single bug bothered you! Robyn helped enable my ribbon and Heidi Swapp addiction...thanx buddy! She also gave me a Rhinestone iron on that said Scrapbook Queen....LOVE IT!!!!! Can't wait to put that baby somewhere! Iwould def. room with ya guys again!!!! Only one thing thou...we need to really party it up and do the drunk scrapbooking thing!

8:21 AM


Thursday, April 27, 2006


My Life & A Box

I have nothing really to talk about today! I have a house full of kids, I am caught up with my DT projects....well I just have one more to do...have a few days to go. Other then that...think I will clean up my scrapbook area and work on some of the incredible projects from the retreat....Tia Bennett was awesome and so was Tracy Kyle.......man I wish I took her last class.....next time for sure!

So some more highlights from the retreat.....Elsa! Do I need to say more! Between her and Michelle.....I couldn't stop laughing! Dinner was too funny!!!!! Elsa got the vegetarian meal and her asparagus needed some viagra...either that or Elsa just couldn't do it!! LOL!!!! It was nice to meet Jill Beamer...so different then I had pictured in my mind....that is a good thing Jill....;o) Not that I thought anything bad...just wasn't sure how raunchy you could be!!!! She had no problems fitting in with us! We had a great time all weekend......the tiny little girl who hoola hoops a fruit loop and her friend webble wobble! LOL! Brenna our own CFL Linebacker almost took Elsa out during the Stash and Dash game...that was to funny! Oh and our breakfast......poor Elsa had to stand...oh girl....your GREAT! And who can forget....Hey turn that back on!!!!! We were getting our groove on to Eminm...Shake That... and Tara the party pooper turned it off on us. The rest of the retreat was Billie Jean and Thriller.

12:54 PM


Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Well today once again brings us to another wonderful day of looking at some incrediable guys! But first........I must take care of my regular scheduled program!

I am still trying to recover from the lack of sleep from the POTP Retreat......wowzers...I am like a walking zombie right now. ....going thru some major withdrawals from being away from the gals. I wish that that weekend could last forever! You BC gals need to move to Edmonton!

Did ya know that Stacy Julian will be doing a chat at Love 2 Scrap? Yup...that's right tonight at 7pm. It is not a live chat...but go post your questions and she will be there hanging out to respond!

Life is pretty crazy right now....lots of up in the air stuff just hanging above us. Hopefully we can get it all together soon! Tired of money always being an issue! What is up with the gas prices....totally insane!

So today is Hump Day Hottie day. My pick was Renee's last week....but since I worked so hard on this...you are getting him again ....my Pirate of the Caribbean.....Arghhhh.....that is right....Johnny kick ass sexy Depp....he could shiver me timbers anytime!

Well there you have it.....oh wait...forgot one thing....Trent (Kelly's Hubby) has threatened to hack into our blogs if we didn't do the GSOTW- "G- String of the Week"- so here ya have it....just not to be bias...just for you....and since I don't want ya taken over my blog ...I will post these little hotties for ya every week.....so here it is...ENJOY!!!!!! LOL!

Trent's G-String Hottie of The Week!

Uber sexy ain't she? Hope you like your sex kittens in red......meow!

Hump Day Joke

Father and Little Johnny

A father came home from a long business trip to find his son riding a new 21 speed mountain bike.

"Where did you get the money for the bike? It must have cost $300,"
he asked.

"Easy, Dad," little Johnny replied. "I earned it hiking."

"Come on Johnny," the father said. "Tell me the truth."

"That is the truth!" Johnny replied.

"Every night you were gone, Mom's boss, Mr. Reynolds, would come
over to see Mom. He'd give me a $20 bill and tell me to take a hike!"

Tomorrow I will be back to my normal posting.....I will have some more updates and favs from the retreat! See ya then!

9:41 AM


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Just another day in the life of ME! How freak'n boring! I scrapbooked all day! You would think after a weekend at a Scrapbook Retreat, I would be all scrapped out.....nope....no choice really, but it was lots of fun! I didn't scrap anything other then what we did in class and those darn freak'n tags!!!! So I came home to DT stuff to do! Loving that Crate Paper....so much fun to work with!!!! Love love love it!

So as I read the message board about the retreat...i get all teary eyed missing all my friends. I am not good at goodbyes! I pretty much had to run out of there leaving Sandra F, Tara and Sandra W. What a SAP I am ! So I am so missing my buddy Michelle right now! I do hope your Mommy is doing better. Prayers are still coming your way sweetie! Poor Michelle was so worried that she would be all alone at the retreat. So I invited her to stay in our room! She happily accepted! Once we were there she was as happy as a pig in shit! She had me laughing the whole weekend!!! Her laugh is too funny....once she gets going there is no stopping her! She couldn't believe that I could eat a Quarter Pounder....I actually ate it faster then her wimpy Chicken Jr.! Thus the qoute .....I could hoola a hoop a fruit loop was born...and another qoute was- look, is that a quarter pounder? Did I quote that right Elsa! LOL! We had fun with Kate T. with the local liquor store..... ya can liqour quicker behind the quicker liqour! Too freak'n hilarious! It was great sharing this weekend with you, wouldn't have had it any other way! Love ya girl!

PS....you need to move to Edmonton~ !!!!! Soon!!!

7:10 PM


Monday, April 24, 2006

OMG! I had such an AMAZING weekend with all my POTP scrapper friends at the retreat! I am still so overwhelmed by it! We were the raunchiest and loudest table....of course no surprise! Us Redneck Albertans are known for that, had to uphold our reputation.....I believe we succeeded! LOL! It was wonderful to be able to spend the night before with Tara and here family and Sandra (S1)...I especially love her son Brandon....he drew my name for the Grande Prize- The Pink Squeeze Limited Edition Quickutz!!!!!! YAH me! I was sooooo surprised....I thought she was going to call Terri's name again...I was all ready to kick her ass.....just kidd'n girl!LOL! I have to thank Mickey too, she was my good luck rub!!!! Thanx Mickey....I guess I was the one to get the lucky horse shoe out of your ass!!!! ;o) Sorry Elsa.....try more exlax next time!!!! LOL!!!!

There were so many highlights...I don't even know where to begin!!!!!!!!The best was getting to meet everyone in person ...FINALLY!!!! I think I will have to do one a day here to make sure I cover everything and everyone! I guess I will start with the one person, not that I didn't want to see you all....I DID...there was just this special special person I couldn't wait to see.....my Princess! I can't tell you how HAPPY I was to finally see my friend in person and not just in a picture online.!!!!! I love the Queen tiara you made for...you are such a nut Brenna....I love ya! I wish I had more time to get to sit and hang out with ya...and enjoy a Bacardi Breeze with ya! Cheers my friend and remember.....behind every word is a thousand hugs!;o) You are one of the sweetest people I know!

Well it was a fun weekend...they were all picking on me right from the start.....it was all GOOD! I can't believe how much LOVE I got from everyone....I am truly a lucky girl to have such wonderful people in my life! You guys are officially stuck with me!

My favorite quote from the retreat....you can hoola hoop a fruit loop ~ Author-Michelle

.....love ya girl! You kept me laughing! :o)

1:05 PM


Thursday, April 20, 2006

Alright....the count down is on! 6 hours and 15 mins .....and I am still not even packed! This is going to be a great weekend! Can't wait to see all my friends!

Have you ever sat there and wondered.....why do they call it that, who came up with that, why isn't it called this? I do that all the time... why is a heart called a heart, why not a circle or a square? Why is blue blue and not green who came up with the color and what makes them right? I can go on and on til the point it just bothers me....it actually freaks me out! Did the cave man call rivers rivers when they were drawing on the cave wall? Ok...I need to stop before i get all bothered by it again!


Las Vegas

Three buddies decided to take their wives on a week-long vacation to Las Vegas. The week flew by and they all had a great time. After they returned home and the men went back to work, the men sat around at break and discussed their vacation.

The first guy said, "I don't think I'll ever do that again! Ever since we got back, my wife flings her arms and hollers, '7 come 11'all night, and I haven't had a wink of sleep!"

The second guy said, "I know what you mean. My wife played blackjack the whole time we were there, and she slaps the bed all night and hollers, 'Hit me light' or 'hit me hard!' and I haven't had a wink of sleep either!"

The third guy said, "You guys think you have it bad! My wife played the slots the whole time we were there, and I wake up each morning with a sore pecker and an ass full of quarters."

9:47 AM


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

So I was having this conversation with A friend last night on the phone, thanx for the call Elsa, when you say your Alphabet, do you say Zee or Zed? Well you would think that growing up in Canada that I would say Zed....I don't I say Zee! I realized how Americanized I still am. I still use my American words, sounds and slang. I did notice my Canadian accent coming back...that good ole Albertan Twang! The one that my friends south of the border get a good chuckle out of...especially when they ask me to repeat myself when I say out, copy or about.....I don't get it! Joey, go get me a cup of "caw'fee! Like their's is any better.Did you know that there is actually a page dediated to the New York-New Jersey English on Wikipedia? The more I talk about New Jersey , the more I miss it. Who would have thought that this home sick Canadian girl would be home sick for New Jersey! I didn't even know where New Jersey was when I first went there when I was 17. Now at 32 I can't even remember most of my Canadian Geography! I guess I am a true Jersey (Joisey) Girl after all!

So today is the day we get to gawk at some hotties! Well, we can do that anyday if we would like but today is Hump Day Hottie day! So I had my hottie all picked out and ready,my sexy Pirate from the Caribbean...I'll do him next week...literally speaking...I wish...but decided to change it to my number one Jersey Hottie...that's right.....Mr.Jon got it going one BonJovi! I have a friend in New Jersey who would probably beg to differ....no Mr. Morgan, you would not be New Jersey's #1 Hottie.....Jon BonJovi peaked my sexual interest back in the days of Slippery When Wet! No pun intended! Heeheehee!

So only one more day til I leave for Victoria and of course I am not packed, have absolutely nothing ready! I always leave everything til the last minute, then I run around screaming like a maniac! I am looking forward to a much needed break from kids.....all kids including my own!


8:30 AM


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I just want to explode and scream! Have you ever had one of those days where you just wake up and nothing is going right, your house is a mess and bugg'n the crap out of ya, the kids are just not listening.....I feel like I need to go running down the street screaming! I think it is my house that is realy getting to me! I so need to do my spring cleaning and have no time to do it! I start to get like this when things get unorganized in the house!

So I was watching Wife Swap yesterday and man the one family the Hagerty's- OMG what a CRUDE family! It was disgusting! It's one thing to do it in your own home...yah we've had one or two of these....oh come on...you all have! I couldn't believe that they allowed their children to act the way they did! Not only did they allow it...but they encouraged and participated! Burping and farting contests in public, destroying a whole supermarket.....I couldn't believe it! If my children did that......TO THE MOON SALLY!

I think I need a good water fight tonight......we had one on Sunday....got Paul real GOOD! Heeheehee! Matthew is hilarious...he runs and screams like a little girl laughing at the same time! Yah...I think I am going to prepare my plan of attack.....a SNEAK ATTACK! Oh yah! This is gonna be fun!

Well enough mumbling...i need to go do something...not sure what ...but anything...I have a list a foot long to do before I head out to Vancouver......hope you're all having a good one!

9:49 AM


Sunday, April 16, 2006

Well I hope everyone is having a wonderful Easter Sunday! The kids had there Egg Hunt inside.Can you believe it...it is SNOWING!!!! Yes big white fluffy flakes of snow! We had such beautiful weather and then ...WHAM...snow! Freak'n bizarre...but hey...this is Alberta right?

So this weekend was filled with shopping and errands for the Easter Bunny. Got a few things at Hollister and Forever 21 for myself, I am so exhausted! No time to play on the net or to even scrapbook. I did have to finish up one DT project....had absolutely no MOJO what so ever....I was dying! I hate what I did....ARGGGHHH! I didn't do my Friday song for the second week in a row...

I need to get my butt in the shower and go pick up Samantha in the city, make dinner....I am making Ham, Baked Macaroni and Cheese, Mashed Potatoes, Corn and biscuits [great no carb dinner ;o) ].....and get working on some more DT stuff and my POTP tag swap stuff.......this is going to be a long day!


And Don't ask me who Jack is!!!

The Easter Bunny Hates You!

10:01 AM


Wednesday, April 12, 2006

What A Man What A Man, What A Mighty Fine Man!

Ok girls, keep your minds out of the gutter! The POTP retreat is in less then 9 days!!!!! I am so excited to get to see all the incrediable ladies I haven't meet yet! This is going to be one fun scrapp'n weekend!

I am also excited to have gotten a new phone!!!! OMG...did I ever need one...right Tara and Sandra! Beep ....Beep....Beep.....Beep....Beep.....ARRGGHHHH!

So I guess I have been officially voted so far the one to spend the most at the retreat....I am sure Elsa will give me a run for my money!!! Come on guys I don't spend that much...ok I do admit that I may need an intervention soon.....but come on...it's Scrapbook supplies!!!! I think that allows me a break...right?

So today is Hump Day Hottie day! My hottie this week...should be of no surprises to ya all! Josh Freak'n Hot Ass Duhamel! What a fine man he is! I love watching him on Las Vegas! Sorry girls...no naughty pics here.....we've all seen them before, right Brenna! LOL!


Q: Why are men like blenders?
A: You need one but you're not quite sure why.

Q: Why is food better than a man?
A: You don't have to wait an hour for seconds.

Q: What's a man's idea of helping to make the bed?
A: He gets out..

Q: Why are men and parking spots similar?
A: The good ones are already taken and the ones left are handicapped.

Q: How many men does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: ONE! men will screw anything.

Q: What do toilet seats, anniversaries and a clitoris have in common?
A: Men miss them all.

Q: How do you keep a man interested after marriage?
A: Wear perfume that smells like beer.

Q: How do you know when a woman is about to say something smart?
A: She starts the sentance with "A man once told me..."

Q: Why did the woman cross the road?
A: That's not the point, what's she doing out of the kitchen?

Q: Did you hear about the guy who finally figured outwomen?
A: He died laughing before he could tell anybody.

Q: How many men does it take to change a toilet roll?
A: We don't know it has never happened.

Q: Why are there only snowmen and no snowomen?
A: Because only men are stupid enough to stand out in the snow all Winter.

Q: Why don't men get Mad Cow disease?
A: Because men are pigs.

Q: Why are guys like lawn mowers?
A: They emit foul odors, are hard to get started, and do not last for long.

Q: Why are men like laxatives?
A: They irritate the shit out of you.

Q: Why did God create man?
A: Because vibrators don't mow lawns.

Q: What are two reasons men don't mind their own business?
A: No mind-No business.

Q: Why is it hard for a women to find men who are sensitive, caring and good looking?
A: Because those men already have boyfriends.

Q: How is a man like a snowstorm?
A: You never know when he's coming, how many inches you'll get or how long it will last.

Q: Why are men given larger brains than dogs?
A: So they don't hump women's legs at cocktail parties.

Q: Why can't men get mad cow disease?
A: Because they're all pigs.

Q: What is the main difference between men and boys?
A: Men's toys cost more money.

9:33 AM


Monday, April 10, 2006

I feel so refreshed after our much needed tune the world out spend time with the family weekend! No computer, work or scrapbooking! Well....I was able to sneak in some last night and did a family layout.

The weather was beautifully! We spent saturday cleaning out the garage! OMG it so needed it! I am surprised things were walking on their own to the garbage! We had so much recycling to drop off we had to make two trips! We got a chance to go kite flying with Matthew and Samantha. Matthew LOVED it! I think Paul loved it just as much...he wouldn't share with Samantha! He needed a time out!

Sunday we got the kites out again, the sun was so bright we needed sunglasses! I hear in New Jersey they got snow...heeheehee! Paul finally put the wagon together after a year of it sitting in our garage. We took the kids for a walk to get slushies. Matthew loved it since it had a cupholder for him. Nicky was too funny trying to get it to "work"! He couldn't figure out how to get he straw to work...he was biting and biting and biting until finally he scared himself when something finally came out! He started sucking on it like a bottle! After BBQ up some steaks.... it was a nice relaxing evening. I was able to get a layout done of our dysfunctional family.

This was a much needed weekend for me. I have been in such a funk lately. Feeling like the whole world is against me. I just wanted to jump out of my skin, run and hide! Every little thing was bothering me. ARGHHHH I hate those days! So many things are just not lining up in our lives right now....so many loose ends that need to be tied up. I think I am just letting it get the best of me. Calgon take me away!

10:13 AM


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

One Hot Dude!

Ok, Renee and I have started the Hump Day Hottie of the week! A new definition to the phrase!We would love for you to join us! I would love to see who you dream about at night other then dear hubby! It is all good fun...so honey...don't worry...you are the only man for me! Heck if it is ok for guys to gawk and stare and look at their magazines and videos...why can't we have a little fun on our blogs. A little cyber sex in blogland wont hurt anyone....safest sex I 'll ever have. Ok well...we don't need to got that far....nothing wrong with a good stare at a handsome man once in awhile!

So...I have to go with my first hottie choice.....the incrediable handsome, young gardner John from Desperate Housewives. Jesse Metcalfe is one hotchacha guy! He could get my engine running!

Hump Day Joke

Yankee Doodle Handy

Yankee Doodle went to town
A-riding on his mother

Every time he hit a bump

He had another brother!


What's that wrinkly thing on Grandma?


Priest vs. Homosexual

What is the difference between a priest and a homosexual?

The way they say ahhhh-men.

Happy HUMP Day !

12:13 PM
